DUI Incident Sparks Chaos at Moorpark In-N-Out Drive-Thru

INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 04-22-24 8:45 pm
LOCATION: 856 E Los Angeles Avenue
AREA/CITY: Moorpark

  1. Deputies responded to a reported DUI driver in the drive-thru at In N Out
  2. The man was reported to be in flip flops and shorts, driving a Ford Mustang, was in altercations with several customers, and had attempted to fight an employee.
  3. The man also attempted to back into another drive-thru in an attempt to flee exited his vehicle numerous times and confronted other drivers.
  4. Deputies waited for the man to exit the drive-thru where he was immediately stopped in the parking lot
  5. The man was arrested at the scene for DUI and his vehicle was towed.

HANDLING AGENCIES: Ventura County Sheriff


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