Vehicle Crashes into Business *CAUGHT ON CAMERA*

INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 1-28-25 12:14 am
LOCATION: 945 Otay Lakes Rd
AREA/CITY: Chula Vista


  1. The male driver of a Toyota Corolla had just left the Jack in the Box restaurant drive-thru with his food.
  2. He entered the parking lot and told the Police, “the next thing I knew, I woke up inside the store.”
  3. He had driven through the front and into the “Mark’s Guitars” store, and went inside.
  4. The Police believe that he fell asleep.
  5. He was transported to a local hospital to be checked out medically.
  6. The store owner said the damage to all of the guitars and other equipment will be over $100,000.
  7. The damage to the building is significant.
  8. The lost business, including lessons, will be in the thousands of dollars.

SOT(s): Yes


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