US Postal Work Shoots and Kills Coworker

INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 1005pm 12-9-24
AREA/CITY:  Missouri City

  1. Prelim info- reports of an active shooter inside the postal facility
  2. All postal employees were told to run
  3. building evacuated
  4. FBC EMS and MCFD responded to reports of a gunshot victim
  5. prelim reports of 1 victim with a GSW to the head
  6. USPS IG’s office is on scene and will provide info
  7. HPD, Missouri City PD, HCSO, and other agencies responded to the reported active shooter.
  8. This is the USPS regional processing facility. unknown how long operations will be impacted

UNCONFIRMED—- 1 dead,  and 1 in custody, both employees.

SEE SOT for further info

HANDLING AGENCIES: USPS IG’s office and Missouri City PD
SOT(s): Dana Carter, USPS Asst Postal Inspector


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