Two Men Hit by Vehicles 30 Minutes Apart in the Same Area

INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 3-6-25  4:34 am / 5:00 am
LOCATION: W Washington & Hancock St / Hancock St south of Whiterby St
AREA/CITY: San Diego

  1. At the first scene, paramedics came across a male who was lying in the middle of the street.
  2. He had possibly been hit by a car and left on the street, but he was aggressive and did not answer many questions. Beware of Foul Language and jesters towards the Cameraman.
  3. The second incident happened 30 minutes later within eyesight of the first.
  4. A second male was found lying in the middle of the street.
  5. There were pieces of a car near him and his shoe was found approx 50 feet away.
  6. He was in a lot of pain and when asked if he was hit by a car, he said “I don’t know”.
  7. Both men were transported to a local hospital for their injuries, the second male having serious injuries.



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