Teens Cause Chaos On Beach & Jump On Police Vehicles

INCIDENT DATE/TIME: Saturday 6/29/24 / Approximately 8:00pm
LOCATION: Junipero Beach
AREA/CITY: Long Beach, CA

  1. LBPD requested additional units to assist due to many minors causing chaos on the “Junipero Beach” and jumping on their police vehicles.
  2. More units assisted to disperse a crowd of over 200 persons involving minors and young adults that were near a playground dancing and causing a commotion to passerby’s walking or biking on the beach sidewalk.
  3. LBPD dispersed the crowd and music to help avoid any fights and further possible violence that has been known to happen in the past just like the “pike outlets fight with juveniles”.
  4. No arrests were made, 1 female jumped onto a police truck at one point, “twerked for a video”, and jumped off. (No damage to the police truck) .


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