Road Rager Causes Pregnant Woman to Crash | San Diego
05.05.2022 | 7:00 AM | SAN DIEGO – The female driver of the white car was northbound on the I-5 and starting to exit the freeway, when the male driver of a Subaru SUV * started to tailgate the woman, blowing his horn and flashing his lights at her.
He started to “Road Rage” on her and she exited the I-5 at Clairemont Dr., thinking he was following her.
She made her way to southbound East Mission Bay Dr and he sped up following her.
She sped up trying to get away from the male.
On a curve in the road, she lost control and clip another vehicle.
She then drove off of the roadway and went up on the dirt and went head-on into a tree.
The male driver (white male) came up on her and yelled at her telling her “You got what you deserved” and told her to “F#@& Off”, before driving away.
She was able to take some in=mages of his vehicle and also told us that his license plate lights were a purplish/pink color.
The other drivers’ car had minimal damage and they left the scene.
The female victim who is 5 months pregnant was not injured but badly shaken up.