Pharmacy Burglary **Caught on Camera**
INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 1-18-25 4:30 am
LOCATION: E. 8th St & Euclid Ave
AREA/CITY: National City
- Officers were investigating a crash across the street from the Carewell Pharmacy when they were notified of a burglary at the business.
- They discovered that a window had been broken out.
- Inside, the two male burglars broke through a wall to gain entrance into the drug storage area.
- Surveillance video shows the two suspects crawling on their bellies to try and not trip the burglar alarms.
- The alarm went off, and they fled.
- An SDSO K-9 was called in for a search.
- The loss is unknown.
- The owner told us that they had just opened 3 months ago and did not have any controlled narcotics in the store yet.