Officers Chase Chonky Pig Through City Streets | Riverside

10.03.2021 | 12:00 AM | RIVERSIDE – Animal control received a call about a loose pig running thru the streets of Riverside city.

Animal control officers located the pig running in lanes around Magnolia Ave. and Adams St.

Animal control officers were having a difficult time in capturing the loose pig.

Riverside City Police Officers were called in to aid in the capture of the loose pig.

The pig eluded both animal control Officers and Riverside City Police Officers as the pig would quickly run around them or turn around to evade capture.

It took Officers about 20-30 min to eventually apprehend the loose pig.

The pig put up a brief struggle and can be heard squealing when it was captured.

The pig was caught in a strip mall on the corner of Adams St & Arlington ave.

Animal control officers took the pig into custody, officers can be seen loading the pig into the back of their vehicle.

It’s not known exactly where the pig escaped from or if it was a wild pig that wandered into the city.

The pig was not harmed in its apprehension.


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