Man Sets Fire Inside Home Then Attacks Fire Station | San Diego

06.17.2021 | 6:15 AM | SAN DIEGO – A man set a fire in his house and let his dog outside. The man then walked down to SDFD Station 15 and started to attack the station and attempted to break in. He was using a motorcycle helmet to hit the windows, breaking one of them. He attacked the banana tree that was a part of the station’s landscaping and left a hand-written note on the ground. A Cover-Now called was made to the Police and upon arrival, they took the man into custody. When the firefighters came out of the station, they could smell smoke and saw the smoke coming from the suspects’ house down the street. The fire was quickly put out and found to be in the kitchen area. The firefighters and police have had prior incidents with this male. The dog was taken to the SD Humane Society and the suspect is under arrest.

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