Man Protests Two Tree Removals by Handcuffing Himself to Tree | San Diego

08.03.2022 | 11:00 AM | SAN DIEGO – The resident Andy Stinson sits under the shade of these Ficus trees every day to watch the sunset.

he believes that he is being retaliated at by the H.O.A. President of the City Scene H.O.A. and the trees have been ordered to be moved.

this morning, the tree removal company “Western Tree Service” arrived and started to remove at least one of the trees and the resident went to the tree with a chair and handcuff himself to the tree.

The Police were called and as soon as we showed up, the Supervisor ordered his people to leave for fear of bad publicity.

The Police spoke with Mr.Stintson and informed him that they would be forced to arrest him if he continued with this behavior and urged him to seek and different way to protect the trees.

Mr. Stintson removed the handcuffs, once the Tree Service people had left.


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