Man Changing Tire Killed by Speeding Driver | Chula Vista

04.07.2022 | 5:50 PM | CHULA VISTA – A young male got a flat tire on his Toyota. A friend stopped to help him change the tire. A witness told us that the driver of the Mazda was speeding at over 85 mph in the #1 lane when he struck the rear of the Toyota and then the friend while he was changing the tire. The victim was carrying over 50 yards on the freeway and his body finally landed in the middle of the eastbound lanes. The driver of the Mazda continued for another 25-30 yards and spun out to the center divider. The owner of the Toyota was barely missed by the Mazda as he was standing at the rear of the car. The victim was transported to a local hospital in CPR status. The #1, #2, & #3 eastbound lanes are closed for the investigation and the cleanup by CalTrans. For licensing, contact Follow our other platforms! IG – FB –


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