Firefighters Rescue Man Who Fell Into Industrial Tortilla Maker

: 8-16-24 10:06 am
LOCATION: 425 S. 30th St
AREA/CITY: San Diego

  1. A male employee of the Sawaya Brother Market was using an industrial-sized tortilla-making machine when he fell into the top of the machine as he was loading dough into the top.
  2. His arm went all of the way and got stuck.
  3. Other employees rushed to shut off the machine.
  4. Firefighters arrived, and they had to disassemble the machine to remove the victim and had to prop him up as he was hanging from the top of the machine.
  5. It took close to 1 hour to remove the victim, and he was transported with his arm still stuck inside.
  6. He has major injuries.
  7. At one point, the SDFD’s Medical Doctor arrived, and if needed, he would have conducted surgery (amputation) to free the male.
  8. CalOSHA will be investigating.
  9. the store owners have closed the market for the day.


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