DUI Driver Causes Wrong Way Crash | San Diego
12.12.2021 | 2:07 AM | SAN DIEGO – The older male driver of the Ford truck was southbound on 70th St. when he crossed into oncoming traffic. The truck hit the other driver in his KIA vehicle head-on. The truck swerved onto Colony Rd. The KIA went into oncoming traffic and struck the white car that was parked.\ The KIS came within half an inch of hitting a parked motorcycle. Neither driver was injured and the driver of the Ford took a partial Field Sobriety Test and failed and then refused to cooperate. he was arrested on the suspicion of a DUI. For licensing, contact info@onscene.tv Follow our other platforms! IG – https://www.instagram.com/onscenetv/?hl=en FB – https://www.facebook.com/onscenetv/