Driver Airlifted After Being Extricated From Crash on Interstate 15

INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 6-13-24 01:29:20 am
LOCATION: S/B I 15, South of Wildwash
AREA/CITY: Victorville


  1. OES (Office of Emergency Services) Fire Truck 6320 (out of Apple Valley Fire Department) is returning from a call and finds a pickup truck embedded in the rear of a semi-truck trailer.
  2. Battalion Chief 147 arrives on the scene.
  3. A full extrication response is ordered, and a helicopter is requested to be on standby for one immediate patient.
  4. The video shows paramedics attending to the patient trapped in the truck.
  5. The video also shows firefighters working to cut the car apart using spreaders and the “jaws of life.”
  6. Additional firefighters were shown utilizing cribbing and airbags to lift the trailer of the pickup truck.
  7. After extensive work by three agencies, the patient was extricated and moved to a waiting ambulance.
  8. As crews cleaned up, the ambulance transported the patient to the next freeway off-ramp, Dale Evans Parkway, for transfer to a helicopter.
  9. The video shows a helicopter, Mercy Air 2, landing, receiving the patient, and departing for a trauma center.

HANDLING AGENCIES: The Victorville CHP Office is investigating the Apple Valley Fire Department, San Bernardino County Fire Department, Victorville Fire Department, AMR, and Mercy 02.


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