Driver Airlifted After Being Extricated From Crash on Interstate 15
INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 6-13-24 01:29:20 am
LOCATION: S/B I 15, South of Wildwash
AREA/CITY: Victorville
- OES (Office of Emergency Services) Fire Truck 6320 (out of Apple Valley Fire Department) is returning from a call and finds a pickup truck embedded in the rear of a semi-truck trailer.
- Battalion Chief 147 arrives on the scene.
- A full extrication response is ordered, and a helicopter is requested to be on standby for one immediate patient.
- The video shows paramedics attending to the patient trapped in the truck.
- The video also shows firefighters working to cut the car apart using spreaders and the “jaws of life.”
- Additional firefighters were shown utilizing cribbing and airbags to lift the trailer of the pickup truck.
- After extensive work by three agencies, the patient was extricated and moved to a waiting ambulance.
- As crews cleaned up, the ambulance transported the patient to the next freeway off-ramp, Dale Evans Parkway, for transfer to a helicopter.
- The video shows a helicopter, Mercy Air 2, landing, receiving the patient, and departing for a trauma center.
HANDLING AGENCIES: The Victorville CHP Office is investigating the Apple Valley Fire Department, San Bernardino County Fire Department, Victorville Fire Department, AMR, and Mercy 02.