Dramatic Rescue After Elderly Driver Suffers Medical Emergency | San Diego Crash


INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 7-21-23 7:30 am
LOCATION: Cowley Way & Field Street
CITY: San Diego

  1. A elderly male was driving his truck through the intersection when he suffered either a “heart Attack” or a “Stroke.”
  2. He lost control of the truck and crashed into a retaining wall.
  3. A Tow truck driver from Quality Towing just happened to be driving up the street and found the accident within seconds.
  4. He jumped out of his vehicle and found the victim unconscious and barely breathing.
  5. SDPD Police Sgt. Rojas arrived quickly and realized the victim would be trapped, as the street sign pole was up against the driver’s side door.
  6. Quick thinking by Sgt Rojas, he had the tow driver hook up his tow cable to the truck and pull it away from the signpost, thus giving the firefighters access to the victim.
  7. The victim was extricated and rushed to a local hospital.



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