*Caught On Camera* High-Speed Crash Sends BMW Into Stanton Home


INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 9-25-23, 1:50 a.m.
LOCATION: 12000 block of Leafwood Street
CITY: Stanton

  1. Orange County Sheriff, Stanton Office, and Orange County Fire Authority responded with a full response to reports of a vehicle into a structure.
  2. When units arrived, they found a BMW that had taken a turn too fast, jumped a curb, and went airborne.  When he went airborne, he clipped a car, bounced off,, and then struck the home where it came to rest.
  3. The man hit the garage of the home causing damage to the garage and the Mercedes-Benz in the garage.
  4. Alcohol and speed may have been a factor in the collision.
  5. Building officials are en route to investigate the integrity of the structure.
  6. No one in the home suffered any injuries and the driver of the car refused transport but was taken into custody.

HANDLING AGENCIES: Orange County Sheriffs, Stanton Office.
SOT(s): YES, OCFA Fire Captain


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