3 Killed in Horrific Wrong Way Crash | Fontana

10.24.2022 | 11:40 PM | FONTANA – On October 24th, 2022, at about 11:40 PM CHP received reports of a wrong-way driver going Northbound In Southbound Lanes. The driver was reportedly intentionally swerving at oncoming vehicles. Moments later, a crash was reported at the same location. CHP, County Fire, and AMR arrived at the scene and located two vehicles, one on fire. A total of 3 parties were declared deceased at the scene. Multiple lanes are closed while CHP investigates the crash. For licensing, contact info@onscene.tv Follow our other platforms! IG – https://www.instagram.com/onscenetv/?hl=en FB – https://www.facebook.com/onscenetv/


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